Home Sweet Home

W hen Winebirds get tired, they always come back to their favorite roost...a splendid Valley Oak tree nestled in the woods at Jack London State Park.

All of a sudden, Mother Winebird finds herself without her most precious piece of hardware! Gadzooks. You can't be at any party without your clip-on-the-plate wine glass holder. Notice Father Winebird has not forgotten his!

Winebirds have many interests. The Salute to the Arts, held in July, finds our Winebirds flying from their beloved home in Jack London State Park to the historic town of Sonoma, just a few miles south. There, Winebirds find abundant art, food, and wine.
"Pinot noir over the port bow..." cried the lead winebird. "Pull up, pull up!"

Sonoma's Valley of the Moon Vintage Festival, the last weekend in September, a two-day wine tasting, art show, grape stomp, and annual Firefighters' Water Fight finds our Winebirds chicks enjoying themselves.

S ometimes Winebirds get a little too carried away with their sport.

Artwork available for syndicated newspapers, magazines, newsletters, posters, prints, postcards, greeting cards and others. Please contact us.



All artwork and photography are property of Lewis and Aanestad Productions
and may not be used in any form without the express written consent of
Lewis and Aanestad Productions.
All rights reserved and copyrighted © 1997, 1998, 1999
Lewis & Aanestad Productions